However, finishing the quest first used up one pouch, leaving you the other pouch to loot later. You ended up with two pouches in your inventory, although taking money from the two pouches only gave you one pouch worth.
#Pillars of eternity ii deadfire quests Patch#
Before patch 3.1.0 this even worked after you'd convinced her to hand it over peacefully.
Pickpocket the pouch from Mokeha (easiest at night, in her home). This angers the chieftain and depend on your excuse, she will either chase you out or attack you. She will put up a fight of course, but unlike outside, there's no one helping her. You can also warn her with Intimidate 1 as one of the first dialogue options. Say that you don't care who started it, and attack Mokeha, saying you will challenge her on Rinco's behalf, she likes this, however it seems the whole town becomes hostile. Mokeha is surprised that you're taking her side and though she herself doesn't have much use for the coin, thinks that perhaps Ikawha could make use of it. Say that Rinco got what he deserved ( Passionate), and let her keep the money. Explain that he has a lengthy recovery period in front of him, which fail to convince her. As a Priest of Skaen, say that you've devoted your life to fighting the injustice that is the poor suffering at the hands of the wealthy. Diplomacy 1 or Intellect 11 - explain that Vailians have to pay for their food and pay taxes, while Huana don't. Point out that without the coin he will lose his home. Insight 2 - this option is only available after pointing out she was branded a thief. Edér likes this traditional approach, though Aloth does not. She will consider this and realize this is like her fighting a Kuaru - improper. With a hidden culture Deadfire Archipelago or Insight 2 - point out that Rinco is just a merchant and can't fight her on equal footing. Point out that she was branded a thief, which she will balk at, then use Intellect 12 to point out that this is how Vailian law operates and compare that to Huana customs. When questioned about what happened, the Mataru will explain that she simply won a game of cards and the Vailian tried to get out of paying his dues by calling her a cheat, so she pummeled him senselessly in retaliation. Head over to Sātahuzi and talk to Mokeha. Perhaps he wasn't expecting one of the Huana to know the game so well? Head over to The Kraken's Eye and talk to Thorel to learn that he was actually playing cards against Mokeha, apparently looking for an easy victory and "looked real nervous" by the end of the game. While finding Mokeha can feel like a priority, the best way is to do a little digging. Rinco suggested I could find Mokeha in the Huana village to the northwest of Port Maje.
Bedridden, Rinco's asked me to retrieve the money Mokeha stole, in exchange for a portion of the winnings. He came out of that fight the clear loser.
Rinco, one of the vendors at the local market, claims to have been having a friendly round of cards at the tavern when he got into a fight with Mokeha, a high-ranking Huana villager.